While any car accident can be distressful and scary, fortunately most do not result in shocking, life-altering injuries. In the end, the greatest concerns are usually car repairs and having sufficient money to cover doctor’s bills and losses caused by the accident.


In the case of an accident caused by negligence it is important to be aware there is a time limit during which a victim must be able to prove that:

  • The other driver owed the victim a duty to drive carefully.
  • The other driver breached that duty.
  • The breach caused the victim’s injuries.
  • The other driver is liable for making the victim whole.

An experienced car accident attorney at Iscoe Law is trained and waiting to help with your case. How much is your case worth? Let us help you with that!

Damages for an Auto Accident

Damages in an auto accident come from many issues and can add up quickly, rapidly deleting the savings you may have acquired. For example:

  • Medical expenses
  • Disability and physical impairment
  • Lost wages
  • Vehicle damages
  • Non-economic damages, including
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • The loss of capacity to enjoy life

Why and When Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Car Accident?

If it looks like litigation is a possibility after your accident, especially due to serious injury, you don’t want to wait to consult a lawyer. Time is of the essence, and it never hurts to consult with a lawyer after an accident to ensure your rights are protected. If it looks like your Personal Injury Protection coverage will not be sufficient for your injuries, you should consider litigation to recoup your losses. If you have serious injuries, you may be able to file a third-party claim to cover any treatment costs and associated costs to your injuries. At that point, a car accident attorney can help evaluate your claim. So call the Lawyers at Iscoe Law for your free consultation to learn whether you have a case for damages.


Representation is free. We only win when you win.

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car accident lawyers have significant experience, knowledge, and years of training. They concentrate their practice on car accidents and similar personal injury matters. This knowledge is extremely important in Florida for car accident victims due to the statute of limitations and additional laws relating to car accidents and negligence that have some unique features found only in Florida. Knowing and understanding the laws of the state you live in are vital for your safety and protection and for that of your loved ones and anyone else on the road.

Talk about the process.

You will begin by reviewing your case with your car accident attorney who will assist you with putting together a file and evaluating your case. They will go over the events of what happened several times to ensure you fully understand all your case options. If your personal injury attorney finds it likely that you can receive some recovery money, he will initiate the process of setting up a contingency fee agreement with you and begin to fight for your rights and compensation in court.

Representation is free. We only win when you win.

You should be aware that car accident cases are handled by the attorney and no fees are collected up front unless you win your case. This arrangement allows the attorney to accept a case knowing that they will be compensated for their time only if there is a win or favorable settlement in the case. With a positive outcome, the attorney will receive fees or a percentage of what you are awarded as designated in the initial agreement with your attorney by Florida law.

Assist the client every step of the way.

Your lawyer is there to do more than just process your case. Good attorneys know that clients are unfamiliar with the system, are meant to be intimidated by it, and are still shaken by the accident they have just experienced. They are your advocate and are fighting for you and your health and safety.

Negotiate with insurance companies to get the maximum compensation.

Your attorney is going to be far more familiar than you with the insurance process. Unlike the attorneys representing the insurance companies, your attorney is bound by law to act in your interest so pick your attorney wisely. It is a decision that requires a certain amount of consideration. Pick an attorney who knows and understands the law, understands your personal policies, and has become familiar with your individual case. So, take advantage of that resource and use it to your benefit.

Contact Iscoe Law Firm After Your Car Crash

You should never attempt to navigate the complex waters of auto accidents and liability on your own. Don’t wait!

Make the right decision for you and your family and contact the Iscoe Law Firm as soon as possible after an accident. The Iscoe Law Firm’s experienced car accident attorneys will easily and quickly evaluate your case and help you, if appropriate, bring it to a happy ending through litigation or settlement. Protect yourself and your rights by calling the Iscoe Law Firm for all your car accident needs.

Common Auto Accident Causes and Injuries

Car accidents are scary, frustrating, and usually preventable but they happen all the time and for a large variety of the reasons. There are frequent causes of car accidents and some of the frequent causes are:

  • Distracted driving– Distractions abound in your car. Aside from the ever present and highly distracting cell phones, there is also in-car noise, eating while driving, reaching for something in the vehicle, glare from sunlight or oncoming cars, and simple daydreaming instead of paying attention to the road in front of you. Everyone can agree that in today’s digital world, the single most common (and most preventable) distraction is the use of digital devices while driving. Too many people, especially those eighteen to thirty-four years of age, think they can drive safely while texting, but the truth of the matter is simple that none of us can. Even hands-free devices, while somewhat safer, are still a distraction that put you and everyone else on the road in danger. When driving, the only task that should have their full attention on the road in front of them.
  • Driving under the influence– Being impaired is just as bad as driving out right drunk. It is highly important to understand that you do not have to be drunk to be impaired. That very first drink reduces your ability to drive safely, even if you feel fine. The current “legal limit” for blood alcohol is 0.08%. Sadly, drivers with higher blood levels are still involved in about one-third of all preventable US traffic fatalities each year. Even one death or injury caused by a drunk drive is one too many. Other causes of impaired driving include drugs (prescription and over-the-counter), which can cause drowsiness, reduced reaction times, and affecting judgment and motor skills. As a driver, you have an obligation to ensure anything you are putting into your body will not affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
  • Fatigue – –Scary statistics from theNational Sleep Foundation indicate that about half of US drivers consistently drive while drowsy. This is highly dangerous and leads to many preventable accidents. One-fifth of those respondents scarily but truthfully admit to falling asleep behind the while during the last year, and more than 40% say it has happened to them at least once. Falling asleep behind the wheel is extremely dangerous and puts your life and the lives of others on the road in danger. You have an obligation to NOT drive if you are not sleeping or feeling exhausted. You should be aware of how serious drowsiness can be when driving.
    • Driving after 20 hours or more without sleep is the same as driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08% (the legal limit).
    • Reaction times are slower.
    • The ability to pay attention lessens.
    • Awareness of hazards decreases.
    • Your likelihood of being in a crash triple.
  • Aggressive or reckless driving– According to the Insurance Information Institute, aggressive driving plays a role in more than half of traffic fatalities. Aggressive or reckless driving occurs, according to the NHTSA, when a driver commits a mix of traffic offenses so as to endanger others.
  • Speeding– Spee id a factor in a large number of accidents and a danger on the road as speeding significantly increases the likelihood that a collision will result in injury or death. Anyone hit at a speed under 50 KM has a much greatly likelihood of surviving their injuries but the death rate rapidly increases as the speed does.
  • Weather conditions– Weather conditions are every driver’s nightmare and the impact the potential for an accident in many ways. Visibility can be affected, and roads can become slippery when wet or iced over. Flooding can seriously impacted ability of your breaks and the ability to see the roadway. Today, all these combine to create a situation in which roughly one in five auto crashes are weather-related, leading to an average of more than 5,000 weather-related fatalities per year.  This is too many and people need to take stock of weather conditions and have a duty and obligation to drive safely regardless of the weather and road conditions.
  • Ignoring traffic signals – A study by the NHTSA found that more than one-fourth of all traffic accidents involved those at an intersection where one of the drivers failed to follow the traffic signs or signals.

What Are Some of the First Things You Should Do After a Car Crash?

Always begin by checking to see if you or your passengers need medical care. As a driver, you have a responsibility to your passengers, other drivers on the road, and pedestrians.

If possible, get to safety.

After an accident, you are still at risk. You should assess the state of your vehicle and move away if it is likely to catch on fire or explode. You also want to ensure you are not endangering yourself or others by being in a roadway. If safe to do so, get out of the vehicle and move somewhere safe. Your safety and that of others on the road is paramount and should always be at the front of your mind when driving. Try
to stay out of the way of any law enforcement or emergency
medical personnel as well or you will only hinder them in their
ability to do the important and necessary work they do.

Car Accident Injuries

A study conducted and released by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, showed that a total of one-fifth of auto accidents result in injuries to one or more of the people involved. This number is too high and people must protect themselves and be aware of their duties and obligations as a driver. Some of the more common injuries include:

  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)–– Hitting your head on parts of the steering wheel or other parts of the car is not uncommon in a collision. This can easily lead to bruising, concussion, or even a traumatic brain injury (TBI). While bruising and concussion can have some effects, a TBI is be life-altering injury that affects your cognitive and motor skills permanently. For this reason, it is important to seek immediately medical attention for head injuries.
  • Whiplash–Whiplash is a common injury, even in minor accidents and can result in life long pain and difficulty.
  • Minor bruising and contusions–– Even a minor accident can result in significant bruisin
  • Neck and back injuries–– Neck and back injuries can have a long and complicated recovery process, so it is important to have a good state of mind and be prepared for setbacks. Always wear your seat belt properly and follow all rules of the road. Apply common sense when driving and think of the safety of yourself and others on the road.
  • Watch for unexplainable or uncontrollable emotions, unexplained crying, anxiety, fear, or reliving the events of the accident over and over in your mind. As a victim of an accident, you are entitled to compensation for your trauma in addition to any injuries.

What Are Some of the First Things You Should Do After a Car Crash?

Always begin by checking to see if you or your passengers need medical care.

As a driver, you have a responsibility to your passengers, other drivers on the road, and pedestrians.

If possible, get to safety.

After an accident, you are still at risk. You should assess the state of your vehicle and move away if it is likely to catch on fire or explode. You also want to ensure you are not endangering yourself or others by being in a roadway. If safe to do so, get out of the vehicle and move somewhere safe. Your safety and that of others on the road is paramount and should always be at the front of your mind when driving. Try to stay out of the way of any law enforcement or emergency medical personnel as well as you will only hinder them in their ability to do the important and necessary work they do.

Call for help.

Severe injuries may not present right away, concussions can be serious and require quick evaluation. It is important to seek medical attention as quickly as the situation allows.

Make your statement to the police.

Lying to police is a serious offence and will only serve to cause you a world of trouble down the road and possibly regret anything you lie about. There are repercussions for lying to the police. Be honest about the accident and every detail you remember.

Tests are not privileged.

Refusing DUI tests from an officer can be entered as information into the court record, reflecting badly on you and perhaps influencing your entire life.

Exchange information with other involved parties.

You should never leave the scene of an accident with the other driver’s name, license, and car insurance information. Start by assessing that everyone is okay and proceed with clearing away from the accident scene if little damage exists to the vehicles and exchange information. One way to do so is by using your cell phones to text one another the information. This way, you will be less likely to lose it in the chaos of the accident scene. Try to obtain the same contact information from any witnesses if you can as witnesses can play a large part in heling to establish what happened in the moment.

Document the accident.

ALWAYS, always make sure to document everything your recall of the accident. Write down everything you can recall, no matter how small. You may be able to do this while you are at the emergency room, storing your thoughts on your cell phone or at home on your computer. But, in any event, it is extremely important that you should put down what you recall as soon as possible because stress and injury can affect your ability to remember. You can also use your cell phone to take pictures at the scene, which may be helpful later as evidence. Remember to turn on geo location tagging and the date and time setting on your camera.

In addition, if you receive any tickets, citations, or documents be sure to make copies and keep everything files somewhere safe. If you have a dashboard camera, download any images as they can help bolster your claims.

Contact a professional.

Make sure to contact your insurance company right away and consider consulting with a car accident lawyer .

What Information Does a Car Accident Lawyer Need from Me?

Any prospective attorney will request to receive and review all the documentation you have put together about your accident. It is important that you give your attorney any statements or accident reports made to the officers at the scene as well as copies of any citations you received. Always keep copies of anything you submit to your lawyer or the courts. Documents demonstrating any expenses you have already suffered, including medical bills, physiotherapy bills, counseling fees, lost wages, vehicle repairs, etc., should also be given to your attorney so you can recoup losses that have resulted from dealing with the accident.  Make sure you keep copies for yourself. You should also provide the attorney with any accident scene photos or dashcam records and the contact information for the other drivers and any potential witnesses. You should also be prepared to provide the attorney with your insurance policies and proof of premium payments. Remember, it is illegal and dangerous to drive without insurance.

Should I Contact a Car Crash Lawyer Before an Insurance Adjuster?

Don’t feel bad if you are the victim. You have rights the court has a duty to uphold. If you were the driver, get good representation and be honest about what happened. However, given that Florida makes your crash scene statements to the officers privileged, it may not need to be your first step. One of the very first to be contacted should be your insurance company. The sooner they are involved, the sooner the ball is rolling and everyone in one the way to getting busy.

Should I Accept the Insurance Company’s Settlement After My Auto Accident Injury?

This is actually a relatively simple question to answer. The short and simple answer is No. First, you will need to know and understand the full extent and severity of your injuries for some time after the accident or the injuries of others involved in the accident. How much are you going to heal? Will you need ongoing care? How much work will you miss? Depending on the seriousness of your injuries, you may never be able to return to your old life, and all that needs to be factored into your settlement. Permanent disability results in dramatic life changes that have to be addressed.

It is highly important understand that the insurance company spends less the sooner it settles, so its interests are not the same as yours.Contact the lawyers at Iscoe Law because we are committed to helping you achieve the best settlement possible. You are never at risk by speaking to an attorney at Iscoe Law.

How Long Do You Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit?

As we have stated a few time, you should be aware that Florida has a four years statute of limitations on car accident negligence cases.  This means you have only four years from the date of the accident to file your claim. It means you have to work quickly and with the right legal support like you receive at Isoce Law Firm. On the other hand, if you are unfortunately dealing with a wrongful death count in your case, the statute is only two years. Call Iscoe Lawyers as soon as possible after your accident to protect yourself.

What Information Do Car Accident Lawyers Need From Me?

Any prospective attorney will request to receive and review all the documentation you have put together about your accident. It is important that you give your attorney any statements or accident reports made to the officers at the scene as well as copies of any citations you received. Always keep copies of anything you submit to your lawyer or the courts. Documents demonstrating any expenses you have already suffered, including medical bills, physiotherapy bills, counseling fees, lost wages, vehicle repairs, etc., should also be given to your attorney so you can recoup losses that have resulted from dealing with the accident.  Make sure you keep copies for yourself. You should also provide the attorney with any accident scene photos or dashcam records and the contact information for the other drivers and any potential witnesses. You should also be prepared to provide the attorney with your insurance policies and proof of premium payments. Remember, it is illegal and dangerous to drive without insurance.

Why and When Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Car Accident?

If it looks like litigation is a possibility after your accident, you don’t want to wait to consult a lawyer. In the end, it never hurts to consult with lawyer after an accident to ensure your right are protected. If it looks like your Personal Injury Protection coverage will not be sufficient for your injuries, you are likely to need to consider litigation to recoup losses. If you have serious injuries, you may be able to file a third-party claim to cover any treatment costs and associated costs to your injuries. At that point, a car accident attorney can help evaluate your claim. So call Iscoe Lawyers told for your free consultation to learn whether or not you have a case for damages.

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car accident lawyers have significant experience, knowledge and years of training. They concentrate their practices on car accidents and similar personal injury matters. This knowledge is extremely important in Florida for car accident victims due to the statute of limitations and additional laws relating to car accidents and negligence that have some unique features found only in Florida. Knowing and understanding the laws of the state you live in are vital for your safety and protection and for that of your loved ones and anyone else on the road.

Talk about the process.

You will begin by reviewing your case with your car accident attorney who will assist you with putting together a file and evaluating your case. They will go over the events of what happened several times to ensure you and they fully understand your case and your options. If the attorney finds it likely that you can receive some recovery, they will initiate the process of setting up a contingency fee agreement with you so that the attorney can take your case and begin to fight for your rights and compensation in court.

You should be aware that most car accident cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. This agreement usually means a down payment may be paid but that the attorney’s fees will be taken from any award you may receive. This arrangement allows the attorney to accept a case knowing that they will be compensated for their time only if there is a win or favorable settlement in the case. You need to be aware of the stages of a contingency situation and fully understand how it affects you and exactly what your obligations are. With a positive outcome, the attorney will receive fees in an amount not to exceed 40% of the award. That limit goes down as there is less time spent on the case or the award exceeds $1 million.

Assist the client every step of the way.

Your lawyer, if a good one, is there to do more than just process your case. Good attorneys know that clients are unfamiliar with the system, are meant to be intimidated by it, and are still shaken by the accident they have just experienced. They are your advocate and are fighting for you and your health and safety.

Negotiate with insurance firms to get the maximum compensation.

Your attorney is going to be far more familiar than you with the insurance process. Unlike the attorneys representing the insurance companies, your attorney is bound by law to act in your interests so pick your attorney wisely. It is a decision that requires a certain amount of consideration. Pick an attorney who knows and understands the law, understands your personal policies, and has become familiar with your individual case. So take advantage of that resource and use it to the best benefit possible.

Contact Iscoe Law Firm After Your Car Crash

You should never attempt to navigate the complex waters of auto accidents and liability on your own. Don’t wait! Make the right decision for you and your family and contact Iscoe Law Firm as soon as possible after an accident. Iscoe Law Firm’s experienced car accident attorneys will easily and quickly evaluate your case and help you, if appropriate, bring it to a happy ending through litigation or settlement. Protect yourself and your rights by calling Iscoe Law Firm for all your car accident needs.