An Uber Accident Lawyer in Miami Helping Victims Obtain Compensation

While taxicabs have long been a staple of transportation in America, rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are newer. With Uber, users can request a ride from nearly any location to get where they need to go. Uber reports that around 15 million rides are provided every day to 75 million total riders in 65 countries and 600 cities by their three million drivers.

With numbers like these, Uber drivers will inevitably be involved in motor vehicle accidents. Sometimes, they are the cause or a contributing factor to these accidents. If you or someone you love were involved in an accident with an Uber driver, meeting with an experienced Miami Uber accident lawyer is in your best interests. Uber accidents are particularly complex and, if mishandled, can leave you without compensation for your injuries.

Causes of Miami Uber Car Accidents

Whether you were a passenger in an Uber vehicle or the driver or passenger in another vehicle, your accident could have been caused by one or more of the following factors.


Speeding is the number one cause of death on U.S. roadways. Uber drivers have a financial incentive to get their passengers where they are going as soon as possible. The more passengers they can transport when they work, the more money they make.

Not Stopping

Also, due to being in a hurry, many Uber drivers only come to a rolling stop instead of a complete stop when they reach a stop sign. Although this might save time, it certainly increases the risk of an accident.

Distracted Driving

The job of an Uber driver is inherently distracting. They are constantly looking at their app and at their GPS. They need to know where they are going and where they can pick up their next passengers. This distraction is especially dangerous as it diverts both mental and physical attention away from the act of driving.

Unfamiliar Areas

Many Uber drivers come from out of state or from the suburbs and drive in downtown Miami where they can find more riders. They aren’t as familiar with these areas as they are with the areas near their homes. As such, they tend to drive erratically, increasing the chances of an accident.

Driver Fatigue. 

Some recent studies show that fatigued driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving.

When you hire a reputable Miami Uber car accident attorney, they will thoroughly investigate the causes of your accident to determine who is at fault and why. Once the appropriate parties are identified, demands can be made to compensate you for your injuries. Suppose more than one party is responsible for your damages. In that case, your attorney can maximize your compensation by holding each one liable.

Do Uber Drivers Have Insurance?

Uber provides its drivers with insurance coverage. However, if the coverage applies will depend on the status of the driver when the accident occurred. Suppose the Uber driver doesn’t have any passengers or isn’t signed into their Uber driver app. In that case, their own personal insurance coverage applies just as it would for any other driver. However, if the Uber driver is signed into the app and waiting for passengers, Uber provides the following coverage for them:

  • $50,000 in bodily injury per person
  • $100,000 in bodily injury per accident
  • $25,000 in property damage per accident

Some Uber drivers are working other full-time jobs and moonlighting as drivers on the evenings or weekends. Many are sleepy, mentally drained, or fatigued. While this is understandable, it’s not acceptable to drive while they are in such a state.

The following coverages apply to drivers going to get passengers or who are actively transporting passengers:

  • $1,000,000 third-party liability
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury
  • Contingent comprehensive and collision
  • Up to actual cash value of the car ($1,000 deductible)

Suppose an Uber driver was not driving for Uber at the time of the accident. In that case, their own personal auto insurance will apply. Your Miami Uber accident lawyer can help determine whose insurance coverage should apply to your accident and in what amounts.

Florida’s minimum insurance requirements for any driver include:

  • At least $10,000 in PIP (personal injury protection), which covers medical bills and lost wages arising from an accident and applies no matter who caused the accident
  •  At least $10,000 in PDL (property damage liability), which covers damages to vehicles or other structures such as fences, signs, or houses in an accident.

Can You Sue Uber after an Accident?

Since its inception, Uber has come up with ways to avoid liabilities in accidents. Uber drivers are classified as independent contractors and not employees, which helps Uber significantly reduce their liability in accidents. However, there are some situations where Uber itself may not be able to escape liability.

For instance, if Uber doesn’t enforce its driver qualification requirements, they could be negligent in causing your accident. If an Uber driver causes an accident that Uber could have avoided if they had performed the proper checks, Uber would be negligent by allowing the driver to provide rides through their app. Perhaps a driver had a previous DUI on their record, but Uber failed to find it or discuss it with them before they were hired. If that driver causes an accident, Uber could be found partially to blame for not performing their due diligence.

Call an Experienced Miami Uber Car Accident Attorney at the Iscoe Law Firm Today

Don’t let your accident involving an Uber driver overwhelm you or make you hesitate in seeking compensation for your injuries. Even though these cases are more complex, a skilled Miami Uber car accident attorney who is well-versed in Florida laws and Uber insurance can help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They can determine who is liable for your accident and what your damages are worth.

Call Iscoe Law today at 800-800-6500 or get in touch online to schedule your complimentary Uber accident consultation. We are available to take your call 24/7, 365 days a week. At your consultation, we can present you with your rights and options that allow you to determine what you want to do next.