An Auto Accident Lawyer in Miami Helping Victims Involved in Rear-End Accidents

While many rear-end accidents are minor fender-benders, not all are. The United States Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2018 there were nearly 2,500 deadly rear-end collisions. Fatal crashes accounted for 7.2 percent of these. Whether you sustained a minor or severe injury in one of these accidents or even lost someone you love, an experienced Miami rear-end car accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your damages.

Who is to Blame for Rear-End Crashes?

It’s frequently and correctly presumed that a rear-ended car accident is the fault of the driver who hit the other car from behind. This makes sense and is the case most of the time; however, it isn’t all of the time. Florida law provides that drivers not follow too closely to the car in front of them. As such, a driver who hit from behind doesn’t have to prove negligence, just that the driver hit them. It’s a common misconception, however, that the rear driver always shoulders the blame. If the rear driver can show that the front driver did something careless or negligent to cause the accident, they could instead be responsible.

Sometimes both could have some liability. This concept is known as comparative negligence. In this scenario, both drivers can carry a percentage of the blame. If the injured victim is 20 percent to blame for their $100,000 in damages, they would thus only receive $80,000. Their ability to recover compensation depends on their degree of fault. Whether you were the front or rear driver, it’s imperative to have an experienced Miami rear-end car accident attorney on your side as you pursue the recovery you are entitled to receive. Even if you do have some degree of fault, your Miami rear-end car accident attorney can help maximize your recovery.

Injuries Caused by Rear-End Accidents

Car crash victims can suffer many different injuries, from minor to fatal and anywhere in between. Some injuries are specific to rear-end collisions, including the following.


Whiplash is likely the most common type of injury sustained in a rear-end accident. When the forces of the car coming from behind suddenly and unexpectedly hit your vehicle, it causes your neck to quickly and forcefully snap forward and then backward again. The human neck wasn’t designed to withstand such strength and force. As a result, the soft tissues in and around the neck can become sprained and strained— referred to as whiplash. While this injury is self-limiting, it is painful and can take several weeks or months to heal. It may limit mobility and require physical therapy. The National Safety Council reports that as many as 80 percent of those who suffer from whiplash have pain and soreness that lasts longer than a week, and 50 percent report that it lasts over a year.

Back Injuries

Rear-end collisions also subject the back to extreme forces. Even accidents occurring at low speeds can cause back pain and problems. Disc compression, slips, bulging, and muscle strains are common. Victims may experience soreness, pain, and mobility problems for weeks or even months after this type of accident.

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Since the spinal cord is protected within the vertebral column, it can also suffer injury in an accident. The spinal cord is at risk of suffering various types of injuries, including bruises, cuts, and even complete severing. Severe SCIs can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis of some or all limbs.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Some rear-end accident victims may suffer mild head or brain injuries such as a concussion. Others may have severe impact and force to the head, leading to a life-threatening TBI. When too much pressure is exerted on the brain, it can be jostled around and injured on the inside by hitting the skull. Those who survive a TBI may experience seizures, personality changes, depression, and other symptoms and health issues for the rest of their lives.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Sometimes the most traumatic injuries are those without symptoms. Accident victims can suffer from emotional and mental problems, including PTSD. Even though the symptoms may not be visible, getting treatment and working towards recovery is imperative. However, just like physical injuries, it requires time and expense.

Causes of Florida Rear-End Accidents

Many rear-end accidents in Florida are the result of distracted driving and following too close. Drivers are in a hurry to get where they are going; they might be speeding on top of following too close and not paying attention as they should be. Impaired driving can also lead to these types of accidents. A mechanical defect with brakes or something else within a vehicle is another cause of some rear-end accidents.

Suppose the driver who was hit made a sudden and unexpected stop or lane change. In that case, there’s the possibility that they caused the accident. Being illegally parked on a roadway can also make the victim driver at fault. Rear-end accidents might seem straightforward, but having an experienced Miami rear-end car accident lawyer on your side who can get to the root cause of the accident is invaluable. It’s one of the first steps in getting you what you deserve for your injuries.

Get Reliable Representation from an Experienced Miami Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer Today

Rear-end auto accidents aren’t always as simple as they may seem. You might be surprised to find out what caused yours or the severe injuries that ensue. There are many variables, and if they aren’t handled correctly by an experienced Miami rear-end car accident lawyer, you may not obtain the full and fair value of your claim. With so much at stake, you need a reliable advocate from the Iscoe Law Firm. Our attorneys will stand up for your rights and ensure that every step is taken to ensure the best outcome in your case. Contact us at (800) 800-6500 or online to schedule your free accident case review today.