
Frequently Asked Questions

Any Questions not included in the FAQ’S please send to: info@Yukoncorp

Additional Questions

  • COVID-19 and Seafood

    COVID-19 and Seafood

    Statement on Reporting about COVID19 and Seafood
    WASHINGTON, DC June 15, 2020 — The Food and Drug administration has clearly stated that “food or food packaging” have not been associated with transmission of
    COVID19 and that there is “no reason to be concerned” about transmission of the virus
    from food.

    Read the ​Official FDA Statement

  • Radiation in seafood products from Pacific Ocean.

    Radiation in seafood products from Pacific Ocean.

    Radiation: To date, the Alaskan water ways have not been affected by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear reactor accident. For more information, please email info@Yukoncorp

Frozen Products