GoCloud Is An Experienced IT Solutions

At GoCloud, we understand the importance of legal compliance and the responsibility of protecting your firm’s reputation and sensitive data. GoCloud’s legal IT services help law firms be productive, secure, and agile. We host, manage, maintain, and support your network, servers, desktops, and applications for a monthly fee. Additionally, we manage hardware and software upgrades, security updates, backup, and disaster recovery, and any other pain points to ensure your business operates smoothly.

Matter365 software, the only legal practice management solution that is fully integrated with Microsoft 365, simplifies your law practice, providing your firm with the tools they need to succeed. GoCloud can seamlessly integrate Matter365 into your firm, modernizing your workplace and providing peace of mind.

Whether you are a business leader looking for a trusted partner to manage your IT needs or an IT executive looking for niche expertise to address a specific project or function, GoCloud understands law firms. We will work closely with you to ensure the needs of your partners, associates, staff, and clients are met.