Creatively Engaging Our Community

Community Action Matters!

Dear Friend,

My name is Shannon Del Prado, and I am running for Village Council Seat #3.

We have worked hard these past few months to creatively engage our residents, running a positive Community-focused campaign.  As we enter this last month, I wanted to share some ways we have safely engaged our community during this global pandemic!


PICTURED ABOVE: Pinecrest youth prepare Vote By Mail kits!

I was so proud of my daughters and dozens of their friends who helped us assemble Vote By Mail kits for our fellow Residents.  We assembled thousands at home in a socially distanced way, and brought them to your doorstep!


PICTURED ABOVE: Volunteers at our first of many Days of Action!

I am also so grateful to my friends who have shown up to our weekly Days of Action.  Each Saturday we are out knocking on doors, making sure to safely reach as many members of our Community as possible.


PICTURED ABOVE: Pinecrest Farmers Market each week!

And we look forward each Sunday to joining our Pinecrest Farmers Market, where we give out free hand sanitizer and safely talk with residents about this campaign.

COVID has challenged us all.  I never imagined myself running for political office at all, much less during a pandemic.  But I have been so encouraged by the creativity, heart, and commitment of my team.  That is what local government is about: solving problems, putting Pinecrest first, and always finding ways to strengthen our community.

Committed to Our Community,
Shannon Del Prado

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