Our Seniors Are Important to Me

Covid has affected and restricted all of us, but especially our Seniors.  For many of us, thinking of Pinecrest brings to mind images of young families.  Something that has become evident to me as I have volunteered in the community over the years is that Seniors make up a significant percentage of our Village.  And for Seniors, especially, times are tough as so many have restricted themselves to their homes.

Pinecrest offers help here.  The Village offers Seniors consistent and diversified virtual programming such as Techie Tuesdays, Arts and Crafts, and Bingo.  The Village also offers Virtual Lectures on topics important to our Seniors. These topics include: healthcare, protection against scams, help with property damage insurance claims, estate planning, healthy aging, and Medicare assistance.  And, of course, as we open back up safely, fitness classes will return.

Learn more at: https://www.pinecrest-fl.gov/government/parks-recreation/pinecrest-community-center/senior-citizen-programs

Our community-based Pinecrest Police is another resource for Seniors.  Village Police deliver meals to Seniors and will lend a helping hand when needed.  The Village Police Dept. says that during this pandemic, “no request is too small.”  Seniors should feel to call the Village Police at 305-234-2100 for non-emergencies.

These are examples of nimble, good government that I favor.  A government that is Focused on Serving You. If elected, I pledge to continue to find cost effective, creative ways to make our Village Government responsive to your needs.

Committed to our community,

Shannon Del Prado

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