It was one of the first meetings I attended as a young adult. New job at the U.S. Dept. of Justice in Washington, DC. Intimidating. Nervous. I arrived early and quietly took my seat at the long conference table.
The agent leading the meeting asked us to introduce ourselves. He looked at me, “You’re the new kid on the block – kick it off and tell us where you’re from.” I leaned forward, “I am Shannon Del Prado. My father is from Peru. My mother is American. I grew up in Latin America. I returned home for college and here I am.” He smiled like I didn’t quite get the question. “Thank you, Miss Del Prado but … ahem, Are you from Justice or the Bureau?”
Although I laugh today, I was mortified.
I learned an important lesson: Listen and make sure you understand the question.
My name is Shannon Del Prado and I am running for Village Council Seat #3. I have been knocking on your doors since February, listening to your concerns and ideas. Pinecrest has what it takes to overcome these difficult times. Our sense of community must remain strong. If elected, I will continue listening to you, serve as your voice, and I will fight to preserve our Community.
Committed to Our Community,
Shannon Del Prado