Do I Need International Tax Help?

With complex tax regulations, it’s easy for international business owners to make mistakes with their U.S. and foreign taxes, which can result in costly tax exposures and penalties. Whether it’s a missed tax deadline or a failure to correctly interpret tax rules and regulations, we help you avoid making mistakes that can prove to be extremely costly to your business. Our international tax planning team is committed to helping you successfully navigate the web of complex international tax rules and related reporting.

We have in-depth knowledge of international tax laws and regulations. Not only that, but we also stay up to date with changes that can directly impact your company’s tax liability and compliance requirements. If our team notices any changes, we’ll alert you to them and make any necessary adjustments to your tax strategies. In addition, we’re adept at breaking down complex tax concepts into simple terms so that you never feel like you’re being left in the dark about your international tax matters.

Who We Serve

Over the years, we’ve developed effective international tax planning strategies to meet the unique needs of entrepreneurial companies expanding globally. When you begin working with us, we’ll sit down with you to examine your company from both a business and tax perspective so that we know how to develop tax planning strategies that align with your business strategies. Some of the clients we regularly serve include:

Pass-Through Businesses

Companies organized as Pass-Through Businesses for U.S. tax purposes are faced with unique and complex international tax challenges due to the fact that the U.S. international tax rules operate differently for pass-through entities and individuals than they do for traditional C corporations. If not properly handled, these differences can result double in taxation of foreign earnings and potential penalties for improper reporting. We will work directly with you or your existing CPA firm to minimize your global tax burden by minimizing double taxation and eliminating penalties.

Creating Effective International Tax Planning Strategies

Just as no two companies are exactly alike, neither are the tax strategies we create for them. You can rest assured that your international tax planning strategies are crafted to meet the unique tax considerations of your business. To help us determine which strategies are right for you, we’ll ask you some questions about your operations. Do you operate in a country that has a tax treaty with the U.S.? Do your foreign operations operate at a profit or loss? Do you have a Transfer Pricing Policy in place for your intercompany transactions? What U.S. filings have you made in the past regarding your foreign entities? Using the information you provide us, we’ll create strategies that meet the needs of your business.

Sustainable International Tax Planning Services

At WTP Advisors, we’re proud to offer extensive international tax services for companies in the U.S. and abroad. No matter how complex your tax situation may seem, you can count on our team to manage your global effective tax rate and help you comply with your reporting requirements. Call us today for your consultation and learn how our services can benefit your company!